Science 9 Test
DNA, Mitosis, and Meiosis Test Notes Nucleus and DNA - DNA structure: what is the backbone made of, what are the four nitrogenous bases, how do they join? - DNA code: what is the purpose of the nitrogenous bases matching? Can you copy the other side of a code? -tell the difference between chromatin and chromosomes. -what do genes tell the cell to make? What are some examples? -the role of DNA, RNA, and ribosomes in protein production done Cell Cycle and Mitosis -what are the stages in the cell cycle, which one is the longest, what is interphase, what does G0 mean? -identify stages of mitosis, order stages of mitosis, describe stages of mitosis -know terms: sister chromatids, nuclear membrane, centrioles, centromeres, chromosomes, mother cell, daughter cell Asexual Reproduction -5 kinds of asexual reproduction with examples and basic descriptions of how they work -what is mitosis for besides reproduction? -how does cancer work and why can't we cure i...