Pseudoscience Webquest!

Pseudoscience Webquest!

What is science? We have been taking science since kindergarten but the term science is still difficult for most people to define because it includes so many different aspects. However, young scientists must have a firm foundation to build their scientific knowledge on top of and one of the aspects of that foundation is understanding what is and what isn't REALLY science. This is the first step toward developing what is called "scientific literacy."

In this assignment, we will be exploring how to tell the difference between science and pseudoscience.  As we go through the assignment, please complete the accompanying sheet. The numbers on the sheet will match the numbers on this webquest post. After the sheet is finished you will begin a small project assignment that you will probably be able to complete today.

1. First, let's watch a video that contains one definition of science.

What is Science?

2. First, look up the prefix pseudo- and use your sheet to write what you think pseudoscience means.

3. Let's take a look at a video and decide whether it qualifies as science or pseudoscience.

She's a witch

4. This video is very silly but there is a lot of pseudoscience out there that is much better at seeming like real science. Here are a couple of other sources.

Tree Octopus
Dihydrogen Monoxide
Dog Island
Zombie Archaeology

5. The websites and videos that we have looked at so far are intended to be taken as a joke. However there are a lot of examples of pseudoscience that are meant to be taken seriously and are really believed by many people. What qualifies as real science and what qualifies as pseudoscience is not always clear. Even scientists can sometimes disagree. Please look at one or more of the following articles.

Complex Language - What is pseudoscience?
Medium Difficulty - What is pseudoscience?
Simpler Language - What is Pseudoscience?

6. All of us believe some forms of pseudoscience because it can be hiding everywhere. Scientists always question, test, and confirm their ideas. Here is a fun quiz about things many people believe that are not actually scientifically founded.

Pseudoscience quiz

7. Pseudoscience may seem like it's just silly but it impacts people's health, finances, decision making negatively all the time. Many companies profit from selling the story that their products are backed by science when really their claims are pseudoscientific instead. This leads to people trusting in products, treatments, or methods that are useless or even actively harmful. Here's an video example.

Homer Simpson and the Tiger Rock

Let's take a look at some examples of claims that many see as pseudoscientific. Please note that certain scientists may see some of the items on this list as up for debate and not truely pseudoscience.

Pseudoscience List

Your assignment:

You have both topic choices and method choices for how to do your assignment. All involve researching on the internet. Please write in your own words instead of copying directly off of any websites.


Topic choices (choose ONE topic):
1) Educate an audience (adults, peers, younger children) on the dangers of pseudoscience and how to distinguish it from real science.

2) Describe and debunk a pseudoscientific claim of your choice. Describe the claims that the pseudoscience makes and how we know that they are false.

3) Describe a claim of your choice where scientists disagree about whether it is real science or pseudoscience. Show both sides of the argument and draw a conclusion in one direction or the other

Method choices (choose ONE method):

1) Mini Poster or Pamphlet - Visuals and text on a regular size white paper.
2) Short Essay - 4 or 5 paragraphs.
3) Electronic Media - Powerpoint, Prezi, Website, etc.   - if you choose this one. Please email it to

How it will be marked:

Completion of sheet - Did you answer questions accurately?
Clear argument - Does your thinking make sense? Do you have evidence, details, and examples?
Understanding - Do you clearly understand the difference between science and pseudoscience?


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